3.1.21 Happy New Year & SHOOT!
Happy New Year and hope 2021 will be better!! Today is a busy day for the shooting project. Due to the impact of the pandemic, I can't...
Happy New Year and hope 2021 will be better!! Today is a busy day for the shooting project. Due to the impact of the pandemic, I can't...
A third lockdown came to London just before Christmas, but I had a pre-test of my project at home with a friend's help. The test also...
It was a very interesting tutorial, and since London was lockdown again to the Christmas holidays, Filipe was already back in Paris. So...
My problem now is that real-time data may not be available because I can't find some data support. The solution I'm thinking about right...
In a tutorial with Eva, Eva suggested that I rethink how I interact, perhaps with eye-tracking. She felt that looking might be a better...
In this week's tutorial, Caitlin asked the following questions based on the progress of my project. - What is the aim? Data based...
This week I made a demo in TouchDesigner based on a previous idea. It's a light-polluted interactive map, and the end result will be a...
This week, I researched light pollution data and looked at some of Wesley's previous work, such as Mephitic Air, visualising air...
This week, I talked with Filipe about the combination of data and light pollution, which Filipe felt did not provide an intense learning...
After this week's tutorial with Wesley, Wesley gave me a lot of inspiration. He suggested that I try to interact with my audience in a...
I had a tutorial with Caitlin this week. Caitlin asked me a few questions based on my tutorial form to get me thinking about: How to make...
Wesley's tutorial this week also holds that tape is not a good example to express my ideas. He thinks I should pay more attention to some...
On May 20th, I made a funny poster and posted it on my Instagram. Why do I say "love IDC" on May 20th? Because the Chinese pronunciation...
A quick reflection on this week This week, the Final Major Project has arrived, in Wesley's session, he explained how the FMP proposal...
Creative writing I've been taking online courses at home for a month. It feels like time flies. Lydia's World Building session is coming...
Speculative Design, Talk
Utopia, Dystopia, World building, Unit 2.2, Reflection